Art Therapy is the act of using art as a therapuetic tool to explore and express thoughts and feelings, resolve issues and heal past traumas. You do not need to be an artist or have artistic "talent" to benefit from Art Therapy. Art Therapy can be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy and is often used to enhance a subject being explored through other forms of therapy. Some common artistic materials used in Art Therapy are colored pencils, markers, paints, fabric, pastels, collage, and more. Clients of all ages benefit from using Art Therapy.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a therapy used to heal the negative beliefs that we have about ourselves. EMDR is a powerful therapy often used to treat trauma, but it is equally effective for those who have not been through traumatic events. EMDR uses eye movements (or other processes i.e. sound, tapping, vibrations) to jumpstart the brain to reprocess past events creating new neuro-pathways physically in the brain, resulting in healing the negative beliefs we have about ourselves.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy directly teaches skills in Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Distress Tolerance and Emotion Regulation. It is a direct teaching model which uses lessons, worksheets and homework to teach skills in each area.
Traditional talk therapy in which thoughts, emotions and behavior patterns are explored through talking. This type of therapy can be combined with the other modalities above or can be used as a stand alone therapy.